Tracing of missing person

Finding a missing person is the biggest challenge due to varied unseen possibilities. A person can deliberately leave home, kidnapped, misplaced, deceived, lost or mislead. Considering all likelihoods, detectives planned thoughtful, well equipped, and logical tracing to reach to the missing person.

Steps involved in tracing of missing person

Physical searches on primary data: Our specialised team search missing person with logically planned steps. Prior step involves collection of basic information regarding where the person was last seen, enquiry with friends and relatives and investigation about related consequences.

Networking with our resources: Our resources to collect any clue or list of possible suspects generates and investigate. It includes rechecking of criminal records, companionship, rivalry, disputes or other links of missing person.

Surveillance: SAGA enterprises has trained surveillance experts, masters in shadowing will keep watch on daily activities of suspects and collect evidence in the form of still photographs or videos.

Searching at hospitals and mortuaries: In case of kidnapping or murder base, we search for victim’s body at various hospital and mortuaries. This is most effective way to determine whether the victim is still alive or not.

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