Extra-marital affairs

Insecurity, over passiveness, or suspicious nature kills your relationship. When your partner / spouse stops sharing little things, you may feel dreadful, because of suspicious behaviour. It could be a complete misunderstanding, prejudice or can be big red flag. We at SAGA enterprises understand the gravity of this kind of delicate and confidential situations. We offer you with completely safe and secure extra-marital investigation.

Single wrong step can be caused permanent damage. To know the truth is always helpful to conserve your relationship. At SAGA, we provide you with highly experienced detectives to investigate every micro possible aspect about subject’s life. Our process of finding the fact is unique in nature. We track on daily activities and habits of subject and collect the suspicious evidences. We keep sharp eye on the subject, visited places/persons, and suspicious activities, without the subject’s knowledge.

SAGA offers you following services for post-matrimonial verification

Surveillance: SAGA detective network is well equipped with splendid and imperceptible surveillance expertise. With our cutting-edge surveillance instruments. we have raised our reputation as one of the leading surveillance experts. We furnish you with mobile/static surveillance, video surveillance, and interview techniques court testimonies. We produce genuine and confidential reports with supporting evidence with complete secrecy.

Photography: Our SAGA detective network keep watch on subject’s activities with our high-quality spying cameras 24/7. This service generated still pictures and videos as evidence. With photographic inspection, we thoroughly examine subject’s personality without any prejudice to produce genuine investigation/evidence report to the client.

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