Pre-Matrimonial verification is an essential approach to have and enjoy healthy marital relationship. Social obligation, culture, or customs may not save the future of two individuals being as life partner, it is entirely evolved around trust and loyalty. Before any commitment for marriage, you have to be 100% sure about certain things before making a decision. We Assist you with our pre-matrimonial services by providing all-inclusive confidential researches of your partner’s hidden personality, previous and current affair(s), habits, medical history, criminal record, and addictions etc.
SAGA enterprises offer’s following services for pre-matrimonial verification
- Financial status verification
- Family background verification
- Social status/ reputation verification
- Employment/ business verification
- Character inspection/verification
- Educational history
- Previous/current affair(s)
- Past broken/unbroken marriage
- Criminal history
- Medical history of individual and family
Matrimonial verification is widely demanded by families across India and overseas, since it has lifetime concern and bonding.
Pre-marriage counseling: As marriage is a decision that affects your life, it should be taken considering every aspect of life. At Saga, we offer you counseling to briefly introduce you with concept marriage, where will have a discussion with a couple and our professional psychologist.
Family history: At SAGA, we are enough capable to conduct an intelligence operation to investigate the personal and family history and background of the subject. We emphasis on certain key areas like financial status, nature of the family members, political composition, criminal background, social status and reputation etc.
Criminal history: With our special approach, we are capable of providing detailed criminal report, if any about the subject. We validate criminal record by police stations under the jurisdiction of which the subject has ever resided. We also hunt for any evidence on web regarding cybercrime.
Medical history: We provide authentic medical history of the subject. Any severe, minor, disease, disorder or alcoholic/non-alcoholic addiction. This authentic information can safeguard you from the future unwanted harmful circumstances.