Corporate crime

Corporate crime is nothing but conciliatory crimes committed through illusive practices, for the motive of financial gain. Corporate crime covers vast range of illegitimate activities performed by individual, business or government bodies. Corporate crime is also known as white collar crimes. It is tough to perceive white collar crime activities, due to application of hidden and smartly misleading smooth process. SAGA enterprises offer you complete solution for such crimes with our wide intelligence network. Corporate crime can include following illegal activities:

Fraud: Fraud indicates criminal dishonesty done for personal gain. Fraud can be done by providing intentional false information with some Ponzi Scheme or other mode for financial gains. Frauds involves breach of trust with company.

Insider trading: Insider trading is related to investment in stock exchange by using certain confidential information. In some cases, person within the organisation have access certain confidential information for personal benefits.

Bribery: Bribery indicates influencing others by the use of money or other materialistic things for personal favours. Bribery not only in government organisations but other bodies too malpractice adversely influence the flow or policy. Usually, malpractice of bribery results injustice to some genuine individual or group.

Forgery: Forgery is nothing but using falsified documents, such as checks, contracts and other documents. SAGA enterprises with document verification expertise, assist you in case of forgery.

Tax evasion: Tax evasion is most widely performed white collar crime. We at SAGA help government bodies to track down tax defaulters.

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